TOTW 029: Why You Must Have a Mobile Friendly Website Now

Mobile Friendly Website
For a few years, it has been a good idea to have a mobile friendly website. In the next month or so, it is a must have.

While traffic from mobile phones has been growing over the years, it has been a good marketing practice to have a mobile friendly site.

But Google recently announced that they will now do what has been suspected for quite sometime, use mobile friendliness of a site as a major ranking factor. They already had been to some level, but now that is increasing on April 21st.

This changes having a mobile friendly site from being a good idea to being a requirement.

In This Episode:

  • The Google announcement
  • Mobile friendly vs mobile site
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Mobile First Web Design

Responsive Web Design video mentioned in Podcast.

Our Blog Post on the announcement.