The customer is always right?
Well, not exactly. I have a problem with that saying.
It implies that someone must be wrong. It can create resentment in employees dealing with a customer who is clearly wrong.
So it really needs to be looked at in a different way.
If we can just change the way we look at how we treat customers, we can build a system for always exceeding their expectations.
This creates a business that brings customers back and has them telling the world.
In This Episode:
Instead of figuring out who is right or wrong. Consider a different route. The customer is always first. This doesn’t imply that someone is wrong. It implies that no matter who is right, the customer will be thought of first.
When you put their needs ahead of yours or your employees, it changes how you do things. It changes responses to problems. It makes decisions about customer service much easier.
Put the customer first, forget about who is right or wrong!
How many stories have you heard of a company blowing away customer expectation?
They spread quite fast.
A few stories worth researching are Nordstrom and Zappos. There are more mentioned in this episode, but those 2 are a great start at learning great customer service skills.