Your PPC Ads Agency

As a Certified Google Adwords Partner, we work directly with Google to ensure your ads are performing at their best. We go through rigorous training and keep up with all of the changes and best practices of Google. When you work with us, you get the power of Google’s ad team. We work with their team to review each account and see what recommendations they have for advertising your business.

PPC advertising is often part of a complete internet marketing plan. It all starts with great web design that properly shows off your business and converts visitors into buyers. However, a website with great design still needs to be found though, right? When your customers are searching for what you offer, your business needs to be there. Two ways to ensure that happens is through SEO and/or PPC advertising.

One great advantage of PPC is that you can get in front of your market faster. SEO can take time, but combining SEO with PPC makes your internet marketing more effective and allows for quicker returns.

Why PPC?

PPC is a term used when talking about internet ads. It is the initial ad on Google that is paid for by the click. There are more ways to run your ads, such as paying for impressions or in a case like Facebook, by the action, but PPC is the general term used to describe running ads online.

With Google, you are generally advertising in 3 places. The first is on search engines, which show your pay-per-click ads. Each time someone clicks on an ad, you are charged for that click. No matter how many times your ad is seen, you only pay for the actual click. The second is through display ads, which can be run on other sites using Google ads. Though they are a smaller market share in searches, Bing and Yahoo are still a relevant place to run PPC ads too. Facebook is the other large platform many of our clients take advantage of. With Facebook, you have far more targeting options and can often run your ads for a lesser expense.