TOTW 006: Getting Things Done

Top of the Wall PodcastAs a business owner, you’re to do list is always growing. Keeping tasks in order and actually getting things done can be overwhelming.

With the new knowledge you are hopefully gaining about your marketing and business, it’s great to have some productivity tips thrown in to help with implementation.

In this episode JR walks you through a brief overview of the book “Getting Things Done” by David Allen. This book has been revolutionary to so many people, it’s a great start to having a more productive day, week, year and business.

In This Episode:

Our Brains Can’t Handle It

Our brains are stressed out enough with running a business. Making it carry the burden of remembering all we have to do is not a smart way to be productive. Getting tasks off our mind and into an action plan is essential.

Break Down Tasks

In order to move forward with any task, we need to break it down into the smallest action steps. Then we can put those action steps in motion.

Gather and Sort

We’ve got information coming at us in many ways. We need to gather that info, sort it so it can be properly processed.

We’ll look at the different ways to do this and some tools to do so.

Tool & Resources Mentioned in This Episode

Getting Things Done Book

GTD Website
