
Google: “Fix Mobile Usability Issues” Notice

Google: “Fix Mobile Usability Issues” Notice

If your site is not mobile ready, you may have received a notice recently from Google Webmaster tools saying something like: "Fix mobile usability issues found on..." This is due to Google's recent announcement that they are increasing the ranking factor for sites...

Is SEO Really Dead?

Is SEO Really Dead?

You’ve heard the news right? SEO is dead. I mean, it must be. Every year there are tons of articles claiming just that. Time to abandon ship. It’s a doomed industry and strategy. There’s just a tiny problem with those doomsayers. What is SEO? Just in case you are only...

Why Your Business Might be Failing With Social Media

Why Your Business Might be Failing With Social Media

So how’s that social media “campaign” working out for you? Are you the talk of Facebook yet? Is Twitter exploding with people sharing how awesome you are? No? Ever wonder why? It’s usually pretty simple. You see, over and over I see businesses jump on a social network...

[Infographic] Google’s 200 Ranking Factors

[Infographic] Google’s 200 Ranking Factors

Just how intense is Google's algorithm? Google now uses over 200 known ranking factors. And these are just the ones we know of. Gone are the days where a few key factors would send your site soaring in the ranks. It's now a full blown science! This infographic shows...

What is Responsive Web Design?

What is Responsive Web Design?

There's still a lot of confusion out there about what responsive web design is and why it is so important. Here's a quick video for you, to explain what it is and why it is so important for your business. What is Responsive Design? (Video transcript below) Hey, it’s...

The Most Important Word on Your Site

The Most Important Word on Your Site

Ok, so last week I showed you the 2 words that are guaranteed to increase conversions. This week, as promised, I want to show you the most important word you can use on your site. It’s important to understand that another big problem that many business sites have, is...